October 2, 2015

October 2015

For the month of October we will be reading Dana Loesch's book Hands Off My Gun: defeating the plot to disarm America.  I have been wanting to read this book for awhile, and in light of current events regarding the recent shooting in Oregon, I almost decided not to.  However, there are so many myths told by Liberals I decided to go ahead and move forward.

Considering how the Obama administration now brings so much publicity to shooters, it's been a growing concern in this country.  Like the shooters that have acted in the past, this recent shooter behaved no differently.  He realized that the Obama administration would make a spectacle of the event, and he decided to harm others in an effort to become famous.  Unfortunately the shooter (who I will never name because he doesn't deserve it) was correct in his thinking.  Before parents of the victims even received calls about their children, Obama went to the media, only minutes after, and proclaimed that the U.S. needs stricter gun laws.  He even went as far as to lie to the public and say that those states with strict gun laws have lower incidents.  First off, this is untrue.  It's actually the opposite.  Second, Oregon, the state where the incident occurred has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation.  It's a very liberal state.  Here is a video where Dana Loesch comments on the incident.

As far as Loesch's book goes, it's well researched.  She immersed herself in her research and educated her self regarding what the Founding Father's intended as well as the effects of gun laws.  In her book Loesch powerfully speaks and truthfully discusses the second amendment right to bear arms.

For more information on Dana Loesch, she has her own website The Dana Show: The Conservative Alternative.  You can also hear her on Radio America and on The Blaze.  Loesch often talks on Fox News as well, and she has recently been interviewed regarding her book on "The Kelly File" (see here).  Loesch also recently released a video with the NRA defending the right to bear arms (watch it below).  Unfortunately it's led to death threats from liberals (ironic huh?).  So, please join me as I read Hands Off My Gun and learn more about the right to bear arms before it's taken away.

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