This month's featured book is "Bullies: How the Left's Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America" written by none other than Ben Shapiro. In case you have been hiding under a cave somewhere the author, Ben Shapiro, was previously a writer for Breitbart. Once the whole fiasco happened with one of Breitbart's female writers who accused a Trump campaign staff member of assaulting her, he left and decided to start "The Daily Wire" for which he is editor and chief. Before that, he gained his popularity by doing college campus tours around the country arguing in defense of free speech.
The book Bullies is not new since it was published back in 2013; however, the culture of fear and intimidation still remains a constant problem in our society today. Just take the attack that happened to our Republican Congressmen while practicing for their upcoming softball game against the Democratic team.
This book aims to take a look at the left's strategy to silence those on the right by playing the race card, sex card, and the class card. Further it examine's the fear created by the left which felt by our society today.
For more background information on his book watch the video interview below with Glenn Beck, and if you haven't already joined the group on Facebook feel free to join here.
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