July 18, 2016

Sheriff David Clarke vs. Don Lemon

Sheriff David Clarke has been known to speak his mind and he isn't afraid of going toe to toe with Liberal Media.  Recently Sheriff Clarke was interviewed on air by Don Lemon, a CNN reporter known for supporting the Black Lives Matter Movement and helping with the divisiveness in this country.  During the interview Sheriff Clarke made his opinions clear and wanted to call Lemon out on the fact that he is part of the problem.

The topic of the interview was "How to Keep Our Officers Safe," and starts out with Lemon's first question, which was that "[BLM's] message is peace, what's your message?" to Sheriff Clarke.  This was Lemon's way of indicating that his message must not be for peace, but something else.  Annoyed by this question and Lemon's belief that the BLM movement is peaceful, Sheriff Clarke states how he predicted these type of recent events two years ago during the Ferguson riots.  Unhappy with his response, Lemons turns to a commercial break.

Some of the points Sheriff Clarke made was that the media has created the divisiveness and sent a message that it is okay to hate the police.  He also points out that the media fails to report on the number of black on black deaths, which is a problem that needs to be resolved.  He then goes on to talk about how the whole BML's arguments are based on lies.

Recently there has been a We The People petition asking the white house to recognize BLM as a terrorist organization.  With that said Sherriff Clarke is not alone in his concern of an organization that has spewed hate by their words and actions.  Most importantly what he does is point out the flawed arguments of the movement.  

I think it's time those who support the BLM movement wake up and take a good look at the facts.  After all knowledge is power and with that power we can create a better society.  It's only with that knowledge that we are closer as a society to solving the difficult problems we face.   

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