August 5, 2015

Best Family Show: Last Man Standing

For many of us on the right (Republicans, Conservatives, and Libertarians) watching television these days makes you feel like you're loosing your IQ and becoming dumber.  This isn't just because we all know watching too much T.V. is bad for you, but because "family" shows are becoming so liberal.  The worst is when the writer in the show has their characters make snide little comments that have you shouting..."really!?!"  Anytime I hear a jab at Republicans it makes me wonder if the networks are just asking for their shows to be canceled since a majority of Americans are conservative.

Putting that aside, one show that is great to watch as a family is Last Man Standing.  It reminds me of my own family, probably because the show surrounds a family of five including a mother, a father, and three daughters.  The only guy in my household was my dad.  But what makes this show great is that it involves family politics.  Like many households in America the children are a little more liberal, this makes for great entertainment.  Tim Allen, the dad, always makes a good argument for the right.  This show is taking politics head on as discussed in the video below promoting the second season on ET.

I love that this show was meant to cater to Republicans (but Allen can't officially say it or the show will get canceled by NBC); however its really just funny for everyone to watch.  When I heard that the show renewed their contracts for season 5 I was ecstatic.  From what I hear Tim Allen promises to drill Hillary Clinton in season 5.  This is great since so many in the media, such as Saturday Night Live, are always advocating for Hillary despite all of her stupid antics.

One of the funniest parts of the show are Mike's (Tim Allen) video blogs.  It's where he usually serves liberals.  Here is one of them, to give a taste of the show.  If you haven't watched the show, start watching.  You can play catch up with Netflix, I highly recommend watching it.

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