October 2, 2015

Planned Parenthood Myths Debunked

No. 1
1 in 5 women depend on Planned Parenthood

I think they used common core math to solve this problem.  1 in 5 women is so far from the truth, it's actually 1 in 37 women.  Considering how Planned Parenthood is not the only clinic care for women, it's hard to believe that women who are financially burdened only use Planned Parenthood for healthcare.  

No. 2
Only 3% of women used Planned Parenthood for Abortion Procedures

So, about that 3%...
Posted by Abby Johnson: ProWoman, ProChild, ProLife on Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood Director, explains how Planned Parenthood manipulates the numbers to make it appear so low.  In actuality, those who work for Planned Parenthood know it's actually 40% rather than 3%.

No. 3
Planned Parenthood Provides Mammograms
Mammosham: Planned Parenthood fact-checks Planned Parenthood.Before Congress, Planned Parenthood President Cecile...
Posted by Live Action on Thursday, October 1, 2015

Cecile Richards, and others continue to lie about their ability to provide mammograms to women.  As someone who was curious about Planned Parenthood in college and wanted to check it out, I can attest they do not provide mammograms.  Above in the video is Richards testifying that Planned Parenthood never has provided mammogram services.

No. 4
Planned Parenthood Doesn't Sell Baby Parts

In her testimony, Abby Johnson, explains that there are exchanges of baby parts, or fetal tissue for compensation.  She further explains, her prior facility and others did so to make a profit, which we know is against the law.

No. 5
Defunding Planned Parenthood Would Hurt Women

The House has proposed a bill that would stop the funding of Planned Parenthood for one year while it investigates what has been going on at their facilities.  The money that would have gone to Planned Parenthood would instead go to other clinics that provide more comprehensive care than Planned Parenthood.  This does not prevent Planned Parenthood from providing abortions since Federal dollars do not fund abortions to begin with.  If Planned Parenthood has been using Federal dollars to profit from abortion, then there is criminal wrong-doing.

No. 6
Planned Parenthood Doesn't Do Anything Illegal

It is illegal to profit off of the selling of fetal tissue, or change an abortion procedure in anyway to collect fetal tissue.  These are the legal issues that the House would like to examine: (1) Whether Planned Parent profits from the sells of fetal tissue; (2) Whether they change their abortion procedures to better collect fetal tissue.  The video above shows an ABC investigation in 2000 of another abortion provider that was found guilty of doing the same exact thing Planned Parenthood has been accused of.  In the video, you can see then Planned Parenthood President, Gloria Feldt, mention that this type of exchange is wrong.

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