October 3, 2015

PP's Lack of Compassionate Care

Recently released by Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood Director, is a chart of costs associated with Planned Parenthood.  I realize that it's necessary to make some margin of profits, but really?  Does this look like the "compassionate care" Planned Parenthood preaches that they have?

One thing I'll always remember in college was that everyone pushed..."you have to be on birth control,"  "you have to go to Planned Parenthood."  I went to a Liberal Arts College in Oregon so it's no surprise my school was a big fan of Planned Parenthood.  So, I followed the crowd and did what I was told.

I went with an open mind, and I can tell you, they didn't provide compassionate care.  I decided to get  tested for STD's.  Although I was abstinent at the time, I figured it wouldn't hurt to have that peace of mind going forward into any new relationships.  There, I was basically told I had to get birth control.  I was stupid if I left without birth control pills.  So as I was leaving after I was tested the nurse handed me a brown bag, it was filled with boxes of birth control pills.  I look at her and said, "I can't afford all this, and I really don't need it."  She then looked at me and said, "Don't worry about it, we give it away like candy."  'Like candy'? that phrase has always stuck with me.  She then said "if we don't give you a call, then you're in the clear and don't have any STD's."

I luckily never received a call, but found out from another doctor that patients are always supposed to have record of the results.  Something I was never provided with.  And it always puzzled me, why would they give birth control away like candy?  Looking back I realize now that the reason why the nurse wanted me to take the bag was because they received money from medicare.  So, even though I didn't want the pills and couldn't afford it, they received money from the government.  Unfortunately for tax payers, the pills ended up in the trash, I didn't use them.

From that visit I had left with at least 4 boxes, which was an $8 cost for Planned Parenthood, and at least $140 from tax payers.  I realize that I'm not the only one that was used to make money off of.  It's also important to note that for each activity Planned Parenthood did, they also counted me as a separate patient.  Below in the video you'll see Abby Johnson explain how they do it.  So, for me for example I went in and was tested for the common STD's in my area, that was three tests and then given at least four boxes of birth control.  So, after my visit, rather than be just one patient, I was somewhere between 4-7 patients.

So, what's the moral of the story?  Find another clinic/doctor who does provide compassionate care. One that doesn't see you as a number, and doesn't see your visit as a way to get as much money out of you as possible.  One that will listen to your wants and needs.  There are so many clinics out there that provide more services than Planned Parenthood that there isn't really a reason to even use them.  If you're wondering if I ever went back, after that visit I never returned.  

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