July 30, 2015

Video No. 4

So, the Center for Medical Progress just released video number 4 (watch it below).  It's just as gruesome as video 3.  Here, I love that in the beginning they use a statement from the VP.  Remember, she initially said that Planned Parenthood does not sale fetal tissue.  Here, she is implying there is an exchange, but mentions that Planned Parenthood only receives compensation for transmitting the material, "it's not a fee."  However, as you'll see in video number 4, there is a fee.  Here, when Dr. Savita Y. Ginde, V.P. and Medical Director, initially met the Center for Medical Progress, she mentioned that her center already exchanges fetal tissue with other organizations.  In other words, she is not be coerced into a meeting she wouldn't normally do.  I think the only difference is the Center for Medical Progress is offering to give more for intact specimens.

If I've learned anything its that intact specimens usually require delivery.  As Ginde mentions, abortions after delivery do occur within her facility.  For those of you who do not know this method has been decided to be illegal by the Supreme Court (yes, we are actually taught in law school that this is illegal).  The reason being that it's no longer abortion, but murder because the death occurs outside the mother's womb (what's really the difference though? it's all murder).  I'm interested in seeing whether Planned Parenthood will ever address this.  Other abortionists have gone to jail over this method like Kermit Gosnell for example.

I look forward to seeing more videos that highlight what happens behind closed doors at Planned Parenthood.  Make sure to share the video with friends.

July 29, 2015

My First Rally

Yesterday I joined more than 12,000 people in the #WomenBetrayed rallies across the country.  I participated in the Orange, CA rally for all of Orange County.  Like the title suggests, this was my first rally.  I've always wanted to rally against Planned Parenthood, but I was always scared that I would appear "too radical" or "too conservative."

To be honest, growing up I was taught in school by some of my liberal professors that abortion is a necessity and that everyone has to be pro-choice.  So, like most people who are young and naive I was pro-choice up until undergrad.  It wasn't until I used abortion as a topic for one of my papers in a political science class that my mind on abortion changed.  After researching Planned Parenthood and abortion in general, I decided to become pro-life.  After all who are we as people to decide what lives are worth living and what lives are worth not.

So, when I saw the videos I knew I had to take a stand and speak out.  So that brings me to the first ever rally I participated in.  It's the first of many.  For those of you who have never participated in a rally because of your inner fears, don't wait to be pushed into participating.  If something, anything, has been eating away at you, do something about it and make sure your voice is heard.  If we let our fears stop us, then government officials will never take notice of a problem.

What this experience has taught me is that many people from all walks of life are actually pro-life and think the way that I think.  It's became one of those topics no one is really allowed to discuss anymore.  And if you do, it's usually in hush tone so no one at school or at work can hear you.  At this rally however, there were so many people who were so supportive as they drove by.  We didn't face an angry mob coming to protest against us.

Obviously there were a few dissenters (like only 5), but for everyone person who was upset there were at least 20 honking their horns waving, giving thumbs up, and shouting defund Planned Parenthood from their cars.

So, moral of the story is participating in a rally is fun even if you don't know anyone going.  I knew no one going since it was a last minute decision.  At rallies, you get a chance to meet people who are like minded, and who doesn't want to make new friends?  As Republicans we often leave the yelling and screaming for the liberals.  However, it hurts our platform when we appear silent.  So, my last message is this... get out and speak up against the things that really count for you and don't let your fears hold you back, you won't regret it.

The Women Betrayed Rallies

Yesterday more than 12,000 people joined in the 65 Women Betrayed Rallies across the country.  Pro-lifers and Pro-choicers rallied together to take a stand against Planned Parenthood to signify that this is not a political issue, but an issue between what's right and what's wrong.

From it's start Planned Parenthood was initially created as government funded genocide.  Let's not forget, Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood was racist.  She thought by initiating abortions for minority women, the government can reduce the population of minorities in this country.  In a 1921 article, the Birth Control Review, Sanger wrote, "The most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective."  This is one quotation of many where she considers procreation of minorities as a "problem."  It's astounding how so many people look up to someone who felt minorities were inferior to whites.  This is why many view Planned Parenthood as an organization that doesn't truly have minority interests at heart.

Although this was just the start of Planned Parenthood, and Sanger is long gone, the organization continues to act in ways that show they want to reduce the number of births within minorities.  Today, 80% of Planned Parenthood facilities are in operation within minority communities.  Last year, Planned Parenthood killed 90,000 black babies.  That doesn't include the amount of Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans, and mixed babies.  Now if your pro-chice you may not view these as deaths; however it's undeniable that these were potential lives.

As Americans we all grew up proud that our nation is the ultimate melting pot.  But how spectacular is it when our government funds racial cleansing and prevents us from seeing how great and colorful our nation could potentially be.  As a person who grew up within a very mixed family, there are so many benefits to growing up within a melting pot.

Unfortunately, although these facts have been known, they are always silenced.  With the recent release of videos that highlight Planned Parenthood's selling of fetal tissue (or parts), there's no denying that there must be an investigation.  It saddens me that some media are more focussed on combating against the whistleblowers than performing real investigative journalism.

Again, this isn't a pro-life/pro-choice call.  Planned Parenthood has been accused of illegally selling fetal tissue.  Just because members of Planned Parenthood are denying the accusations (as they would since they don't want to be sued), doesn't mean that this isn't a story worth looking into.

Defenders of Planned Parenthood argue, "the videos were heavily edited," yet watching them, it doesn't actually appear that way.  They also argue that Planned Parenthood provides other good services, so these videos should just be over-looked.  What they fail to consider is first off, medicare provides all of the same services for citizens in need (we really don't need Planned Parenthood anymore).  Second, no organization is above the law.  With the third video, there is a person who actually was employed to work with fetal tissue and is an insider within the fetal tissue exchange.  With this evidence, and more, since more videos will be coming out, it highlights the need to investigate this corrupt organization.

Considering how the organization has been allowed to go unchecked for several years, its about time they are.  Now, with the attention of these rally's both Democrats and Republicans are speaking out.  The Senate will now take a vote on a bill to defund Planned Parenthood.  With that said make sure to watch all the videos and keep up-to-date as the new ones get released.

Are You a Democrat or a Republican?

If you ever wondered whether you are a Democrat or a Republican this is a great test.
Let's begin!

-If a Republican doesn't like guns, she doesn't buy one.
-If a Democrat doesn't like guns, she wants all guns outlawed.

-If a Republican is a vegetarian, she doesn't eat meat.
-If a Democrat is a vegetarian, she wants all meat products banned from everyone else.

-If a Republican is down-and-out, she thinks about how to better her situation.
-If a Democrat is down-and-out, she wonders who is going to take care of her.

-If a Republican doesn't like a talk show host, she switches channels.
-If a Democrat doesn't like a talk show host, she demands that the network fire him.

-If a Republican is a nonbeliever, she doesn't go to church.
-If a Democrat is a nonbeliever, she wants any mention of God and (Christian) religion silenced. 

-If a Republican needs healthcare, she goes about shopping for it, or may find a job that provides it. 
-If a Democrat needs healthcare, she demands that the rest of us pay for it. 

-If a Republican reads this, she'll forward this so her friends can have a good laugh.
-If a Democrat reads this, she will sit and stew because she's "offended."

July 17, 2015

Top 5 Presidential Candidates

      Here are my top five candidates for the Presidential Election as of now.  Once the debates happen, I’ll obviously have to update it since that’s the best way to compare candidates and see who stands out in the pack.  This list is in no special order.

Rubio is a Cuban American from Florida.  Why does that matter?  Like my family who came to the U.S. to flee socialism/communism, his family did the same.  Right now we need a President who understands the dangers of a socialist country and how under socialism, everyone is not free or created equal like the taglines promise. 

He also has a modern view of marriage.  As he stated in the past, “I don’t believe same sex marriage is a constitutional right.  I also don’t believe that sexual preferences are a choice for the vast majority of people.  In fact I believe that the bottom line is that sexual preference is a thing that people are born with.”  This is a federalist approach, which I am in favor of since marriage (whether, your gay or straight) is not a constitutional right.  Therefore, the states should regulate marriage not the Federal government.  So, if a state wants to grant same sex marriage then they have the right, and vice versa. 

In addition, he is pro-life and also believes that the second amendment has to do with one’s right to protect himself/herself.  In relation to immigration, he’s shown he’s capable of compromise and that he can work with both Democrats and Republicans.  In all he’s shown that he is a person who is capable of bringing people together rather than polarizing them like this current administration. 

OMG, have you been watching her in interviews, she is amazing and can hold her own when asked difficult questions.  She is definitely a strong competitor.  Fiorina has been having a difficult time lately being compared to Hillary.  I think she’s proven that having a title itself means absolutely nothing if your not capable of doing anything with it; something Hillary Clinton is known to do.  Like really... ask your democratic friends what the she or the Clinton’s have done for this country and they’ll give you a blank stare because the answer is NOTHING.

Fiorina was also a rock star businesswoman (a former CEO of HP) and is a cancer survivor.  Mix the two together and you have someone who’s a fighter and not willing to make excuses, or take no for an answer.  I realize she’s come under fire since she didn’t hold her CEO title with HP for a really long time.  The reason was the company was taking an unethical turn and she spoke up against it.  That’s a person we need, someone who isn’t willing to take BS or participate in corruption.  Considering how corrupt our current administration is, she’s the gal who can press the reset button. 

Walker has been dubbed the average guy.  He grew up in a small town and was the son of a pastor.  He also didn’t graduate from college like most Americans, so he can relate.  Some see this as a negative since he dropped out of college, but the thing is, Walker left college to pursue his dream job.  Like he’s mentioned himself.... most people go to college to get their dream job.  So, when he was given his opportunity early, he wasn’t going to let it go. 

Because of his roots, he has worked to provide more jobs and realizes that unemployment is still a big issue in this country despite what Obama supporters might think.  The reality is that once people get comfortable living off of unemployment or welfare, it’s so hard to get them back on track.  I mean who would want to fish for themselves if someone else is handing out free fish. 

In addition, he also wants to reduce the tax burden on American’s.  Despite what limousine liberals think, their tax laws hurt the middle class the most and actually create more poverty than take people out of poverty. 

Ben Carson is a bit of a wild card.  Everything depends on how well he hold up in the debates since some say he may not be election ready just yet.  He doesn’t have experience in politics, but as he’s joked... it can’t be as hard as brain surgery.  As a former neurosurgeon, a very very successful one at that (winning multiple awards and titles), he can joke about it. 

Like Walker, the Doctor is an average guy who climbed his way to success, and doesn’t that mean something?  He’s not like the Clintons who pretend to come from humble beginnings, rather he’s a make no excuses kind of person. 

Regardless of whether or not he actually makes it to the Presidential seat, he has great ideas for Health Care Reform, and wants to get rid of the old archaic (and socialist) Affordable Care act.  He offers a new modern idea... Health Savings Accounts (HSA’s).  What an idea, I mean don’t we all complain about insurance companies?  They’re great sometimes, but the idea of saving your money for your health is something I know I’ve wanted for years.  HAS’s are not necessarily new, but many people don’t know that they can save money for their health.  Right now if you tried to use a HAS instead of insurance you’d still get stuck with Obama’s penalty tax.  But in general, I think this idea is great because this account would be an investment, you wouldn’t lose the money you put in like you do with insurance.  With insurance you pay for a service and once you trade companies all the money you put in is lost regardless if you used it or not. 

Another important issue he wants to remedy is the polarization in our country regarding race.  In our current social climate we hear things like “white privilege” and “black lives matter.”  Well black lives do matter, in fact all lives matter, but considering how our society keeps focusing on our differences, we are only pulled farther apart.  We need start focusing on our similarities and get closer to loving one another again. 

Known as the “cool” candidate, Paul wants to have dramatic tax reform.  That means getting rid of the workers tax so everyone keeps more of their money, and setting a fixed tax on all businesses.  All business will pay the same amount of tax.  There also will not be any tax breaks.  In other words, big corporate companies will donate money because it’s the right thing to do, not because they’ll get a tax break from doing so. 

Another great idea he has is to audit the Fed.  An audit will allow Americans to see how money is being spent.  This is something that NEEDs to be done since there is so much wasteful spending that goes on, but rather than reducing our spending democrats keep fighting to increase it.  It’s kinda like having that gym membership that gets deducted from your monthly paycheck that you never use, except we’re talking about billions.  Sometimes, you need take the time to look at the numbers and reduce your expenses no matter how boring it is to look at numbers, and that is what the Fed needs to do. 

He’s also against excessive government regulation.  Our government has been on a downward spiral of government regulation starting with the New Deal era.  Because of FDR, democrats have been able to regulate the amount of farms we have, how much they grow, and how much their products get sold.  Obviously it’s not just limited to crops, but basically EVERYTHING is regulated by the government.  This is unconstitutional since not EVERYTHING the government regulates it within Congress’s power to regulate.  By cutting back on government regulation, we’ll have more competition and cheaper prices... a win for all Americans. 

July 2015

It’s already mid-way into the month.  So, for the first month I thought I would share what I’m reading  and then reflect on the book as planned.  For the month of July, I am currently reading the novel The Dirty Dozen: How Twelve Supreme Court Cases Radically Expanded Government and Eroded Freedom.  In elementary school we all learn what each branch of government is responsible for.  As for the Judicial, it has been to review laws and decide whether or not they are constitutional.  However, there have been many instances where the judicial branch has created policy and law, rather than review law.  Here, authors Robert Levy and William Mellor showcase the twelve most detrimental cases for our society where the Supreme Court has over-reached. 

If you have read the book let me know what you thought of it in the comments below.  As for those who are interested here is the link for the hardcover.  Don’t forget to check out your local library to see if they have a copy. 

Happy reading!

My Trip To DC

This last weekend I was able to go to DC on behalf of my Student Federalist Society Chapter for a Student Leadership Conference.  I met so many great people who think similar to myself.  It was nice to have political conversations with individuals where I didn’t have to tolerate someone force-feeding their liberal political agenda down my throat.  In other words I was among people who enjoy hearing different viewpoints. 

Because there was so much free time while I was there, I had the chance to be a tourist.  To my surprise there weren’t many tourists there.  DC felt like just another average town with nothing extraordinary going on.  In a way it kinda saddened me to know that despite being the weekend and over the summer, it wasn’t hopping like places such as Disneyland, but it should be.  In a way it felt like our country has really lost its patriotism. 

On a positive note, I really enjoyed myself this last weekend.  My favorite place to visit was the Lincoln Memorial.  I went there after visiting the Supreme Court and getting a glance of Justice Alito who left before I could meet him.  Lincoln has always been my favorite President.  It was encouraging to see, despite how empty DC felt, the Lincoln Memorial had the most tourists.  Really it was the only place I saw tourist collectively together.  When I walked up those steps I wanted to just walk up and hug the large statute.  Unfortunately it was guarded and I couldn’t.  I had to settle with a selfie. 

In all I’m really grateful for The Federalist Society who put this event on and was able to fund the trips of so many young conservatives and libertarians in one place.  If anyone in law school is on the fence about joining the group because they are too busy, find a way to participate because it is well worth it.  I mean, I got to go to DC with my travel expenses paid for, how great is that?  If you don’t have a chapter, create one. 

For those of you not in law school find a way to go to DC.  It should be on every citizens bucket list.  It’s amazing to walk on the same ground as so many great political thinkers and activists did before us.