July 29, 2015

My First Rally

Yesterday I joined more than 12,000 people in the #WomenBetrayed rallies across the country.  I participated in the Orange, CA rally for all of Orange County.  Like the title suggests, this was my first rally.  I've always wanted to rally against Planned Parenthood, but I was always scared that I would appear "too radical" or "too conservative."

To be honest, growing up I was taught in school by some of my liberal professors that abortion is a necessity and that everyone has to be pro-choice.  So, like most people who are young and naive I was pro-choice up until undergrad.  It wasn't until I used abortion as a topic for one of my papers in a political science class that my mind on abortion changed.  After researching Planned Parenthood and abortion in general, I decided to become pro-life.  After all who are we as people to decide what lives are worth living and what lives are worth not.

So, when I saw the videos I knew I had to take a stand and speak out.  So that brings me to the first ever rally I participated in.  It's the first of many.  For those of you who have never participated in a rally because of your inner fears, don't wait to be pushed into participating.  If something, anything, has been eating away at you, do something about it and make sure your voice is heard.  If we let our fears stop us, then government officials will never take notice of a problem.

What this experience has taught me is that many people from all walks of life are actually pro-life and think the way that I think.  It's became one of those topics no one is really allowed to discuss anymore.  And if you do, it's usually in hush tone so no one at school or at work can hear you.  At this rally however, there were so many people who were so supportive as they drove by.  We didn't face an angry mob coming to protest against us.

Obviously there were a few dissenters (like only 5), but for everyone person who was upset there were at least 20 honking their horns waving, giving thumbs up, and shouting defund Planned Parenthood from their cars.

So, moral of the story is participating in a rally is fun even if you don't know anyone going.  I knew no one going since it was a last minute decision.  At rallies, you get a chance to meet people who are like minded, and who doesn't want to make new friends?  As Republicans we often leave the yelling and screaming for the liberals.  However, it hurts our platform when we appear silent.  So, my last message is this... get out and speak up against the things that really count for you and don't let your fears hold you back, you won't regret it.

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