October 9, 2015

Abby Johnson's Response to Bill Nye

     Many of us have seen the "scientific" video made with Bill Nye for Big Think.  The purpose is to take a scientific approach to the pro-life/pro-choice argument.  However, when I watched I noticed there was absolutely no science in his video (probably because he's an actor, not a real scientist).  His main "scientific" argument was that White men (he's white) should leave women alone, and women should have control over their own bodies.

     However, what he completely missed was that pro-lifers do believe women can do what ever they want to their bodies, but they cannot do what ever they want to a body of another.  If Bill Nye wanted to have a persuasive argument, he would have used science to argue that a fetus (or unborn baby) isn't a life.  The reason why he couldn't is because science just isn't on his side.  It's sad that the best "scientist" Big Think could get was Bill Nye.  I know they must have had a difficult time since most of the scientific community is pro-life, but really Bill Nye???  Watch his unintentionally humorous video below.

     As you can see it's so flawed and completely missing all of the facts.  Bill Nye isn't an expert in women's health and doesn't even know the stages of a fetus' life, rather it's completely ignored.  Probably because it would hurt his argument to admit, "actually a fetus can feel when an abortionist is ripping its body apart."  See below Abby Johnson's response to Bill Nye's lack of science and fill in the blanks.

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