August 11, 2015

Great... more separation between women

So... this is crazy.  I watched and was like..."really?!?"  If you haven't yet heard, the Huffington post just released a video on Why We Need to Talk About White Feminism here.  Basically the take away is that because white women have white privilege, they are only victims on one level.  However, women of color get to consider themselves more of a victim.  So in the hierarchy of victims... minority women are at the top of the list.

Watching this video drives me crazy.  Why is it that in today's society everyone is competing to be more of a victim and arguing over it? It's stupid.  In general as far as the wage gap goes... it's been proven time and time again that the general wage gap is nonexistent and that the numbers that Democrats keep using to get voters are false and inaccurate because the study was done inaccurately. There's a video below that does a great job explaining it.

I honestly do not think we NEED feminism at all.  Why? Because we don't.  Women are just as capable and intelligent as men, we don't need handouts.  We are fully capable of getting to the top on our own.

If anything, I will say that there are some sexist guys out there in the world still who hate being told what to do by women.  I've personally faced men who hate having me lead them.  AND guess what?  It's only been by Democratic men, apart of the so-called political group that's supposed to champion behind women.

I think the real problem in society is our lack of respect for each other as people (by people I mean all people).  These days everyone is playing the blame game, and everyone time someone feels mistreated they think it's because of the color of their skin, social class, or gender.  When in reality, you just might be a jerk, and that person is reacting to it.  OR, that person is just a jerk in general to everyone, and it has nothing to do with who you are.

I'm sick and tired of everyone competing to be THE victim in our society.  Over the last few years during this administration many people have faced hard times.  The people who call themselves the victims are not the only people having a rough time right now.  No person's life is perfect or easy, every person is facing struggles.  No one person's struggles are more difficult than the next.

What we need to do as a country is grow thicker skin.  If something doesn't go your way or if someone is rude to you, get over it.  Find a way to achieve the goals you want and STOP making excuses because that is what they are.

As a country we should be promoting respect for one another.  That goes along with having to teach morality.  Without morality how do we expect people to treat each other with respect.  We've started a trend in the country of believing that morality is too closely tied to religion and religion is bad.  That belief needs to change.  Being a person with good morals doesn't necessarily mean you have to be a religious person.

My final thought is this... let's stop being the victims and start showing apathy and compassion towards one another and recognize that all people (every person) in this country and world has their own struggles, and no struggle is more important to acknowledge than the other.  Once we do this, we can finally start uniting once again.

Monumental: In Search of America's National Treasure

I recently watched the Kirk Cameron movie Monumental: In Search of America's National Treasure. I have to say I felt dumbfounded after watching the movie.  My perception of what the role of religion was supposed to be, according the pilgrims and founding fathers, completely changed.

Growing up in elementary school, we are always taught that the pilgrims and the founding fathers are heroes of our nation.  But as I got older, around college my initial perception changed, perhaps because of my very liberal/ borderline socialist college professors at Linfield College in Oregon.  In colleges across the country we are all taught that the pilgrims weren't the nice hopeful community we learned about in elementary school, but rather radical religious people who ran away from the tyranny of England to start their own tyranny here.

However, after seeing the movie and hearing from Sue Allen the world's leading expert for the Puritans/Separatists and Marshall Foster, the "truth" that was revealed in college was actually historically inaccurate.  Yes, at the time the pilgrims came to  America there was some friction between some of the people who arrived from abroad and the natives, but it wasn't from the Separatists, but rather conquistadors and merchants who came to America to make money.  The pilgrims on the other hand saw the natives as equals.  There's even one account where the pilgrims used the testimony of two Native Americans against one of their own members of their community.  I found this interesting since it was completely contrary to what I was taught in school.

As for the Founding Fathers, we are taught that their intention for our country was to completely separate ourselves from religion, which is why we have a secular government.  However their actual view of a secular government and what is taught in school is completely different.  Today in colleges and law schools across the country, we learn that government buildings, schools, and organizations should have no trace of God  or religion, and that is how the Founding Fathers intended our government to be.  We are also taught that if it wasn't for those "crazy religious Republicans" of the 50's and 60's our country would be following the path our Founding Fathers actually intended us to be on.  Yet, this is also historically inaccurate.

We were never intended to be a government so secular like France is, where Muslim women can't even where Hijab in school, or Turkey.  Rather our Founding Father's knew the importance of secularism as well as the importance of religious tolerance.  In fact, the first bibles that were printed here in the United States were by Congress, and they were made for public schools.  Can you believe that?  Bibles were made from government money to be used in public schools.  So, in actuality when we forbid students from praying at school, or religious student groups from forming at schools, we are not practicing the religious tolerance that our Founding Father's wanted us to have.

There are so many more lessons from this movie, and it is totally worth the watch.  The movie completely opened my eyes.  As a person who thought I knew a lot about history I was dumbfounded to find out what I was taught in school was wrong.  I don't believe that my professors and teachers growing up were consciously trying to fool me, but in general, I believe that somewhere along the line how we as a country started to teach history changed.  It was by people who consciously were trying to rewrite history, and those who followed along naively spread the word thus creating a misguided group/nation of followers.

To learn more about the film, feel free to go online and check out the site here.  Below is the trailer for the movie, watch it.  And one last thing I should point out is that you educate yourself about the National Monument to Our Forefathers, previously titled the Pilgrim Monument.  There is so much symbolism in that monument that it's worth investigating.

August 10, 2015

The Heart of Christmas: A great movie that isn't about Christmas

Although the film is entitled The Heart of Christmas, this movie has nothing to do with Christmas.  I watched it last night and couldn't stop balling, the movie made me so emotional.  It wasn't because I was sad, but this movie definitely did a great job with promoting it's message.

In the movie is Candace Cameron Bure (I love her!!!), who plays Megan Walsh.  Her family is starting to fall apart.  Everyone is so disconnected and never spends any time together.  Megan's life is changed by the Locke family.  The Locke's learn that their son, Dax, has cancer.  Throughout the Locke family's journey, Julie Locke writes a blog, which her family, friends, and neighbors all start to read.  This blog ends up touching the hearts of many.

I won't go into to much detail because I don't want to spoil the movie, but you should watch.  Based on a true story, The Heart of Christmas really does end up touching your heart.  In life so many of us allow jobs, personal achievements, and really unimportant things get in the way of our time with our loved ones.  Personally, I have so many career goals that I often spend more time consumed in what I have to do to stay on track that I don't make enough time for the people I love.  It's so easy to forget how important our time with family/friends are.  If I knew I might lose a loved one, I don't know how I would be able to forgive myself for putting that loved one aside.

The important message is to not waste time letting your loved one's know just how much you love them.  Rather than waiting around to let them know, you should let them know as if every day together was your last.  In general, not all deaths come with a warning.  With that said, that is how all of us should live our lives.

I also wanted to note something beautiful that was mentioned in the movie.  One little girl, Elizabeth, who was a patient at St. Jude's, with the Locke's son Dax, mentioned how she viewed Heaven.  She mentioned to Julie Locke that her mother often get's has grief about her cancer.  Then later Elizabeth says that she doesn't understand why her mother is so upset about the potential of her death since she looks forward to going to Heaven because that's when she'll be able to be with her loved ones that passed away, and also be with God and Jesus.  To me that was a beautiful way to look at death.  For those of us who believe in Heaven, we all know that in Heaven we will be with loved ones, but to hear it come from someone who could die is amazing to see the kind of peace they have.  When loved ones do die, we tend to focus on ourselves (some what selfishly).  We think about how much we miss that person, how we wanted more time with that person, and what kind of life we had wished for them to live if they died too soon.  In general, what Elizabeth said reminded me that it's important to think not of ourselves but to remember that our loved one's now have peace.

I think I've said enough without saying too much to ruin the movie.  In all it was very beautiful and I hope you can watch it.  The movie is available on Netflix, and below is the trailer.

August 5, 2015

Best Family Show: Last Man Standing

For many of us on the right (Republicans, Conservatives, and Libertarians) watching television these days makes you feel like you're loosing your IQ and becoming dumber.  This isn't just because we all know watching too much T.V. is bad for you, but because "family" shows are becoming so liberal.  The worst is when the writer in the show has their characters make snide little comments that have you shouting..."really!?!"  Anytime I hear a jab at Republicans it makes me wonder if the networks are just asking for their shows to be canceled since a majority of Americans are conservative.

Putting that aside, one show that is great to watch as a family is Last Man Standing.  It reminds me of my own family, probably because the show surrounds a family of five including a mother, a father, and three daughters.  The only guy in my household was my dad.  But what makes this show great is that it involves family politics.  Like many households in America the children are a little more liberal, this makes for great entertainment.  Tim Allen, the dad, always makes a good argument for the right.  This show is taking politics head on as discussed in the video below promoting the second season on ET.

I love that this show was meant to cater to Republicans (but Allen can't officially say it or the show will get canceled by NBC); however its really just funny for everyone to watch.  When I heard that the show renewed their contracts for season 5 I was ecstatic.  From what I hear Tim Allen promises to drill Hillary Clinton in season 5.  This is great since so many in the media, such as Saturday Night Live, are always advocating for Hillary despite all of her stupid antics.

One of the funniest parts of the show are Mike's (Tim Allen) video blogs.  It's where he usually serves liberals.  Here is one of them, to give a taste of the show.  If you haven't watched the show, start watching.  You can play catch up with Netflix, I highly recommend watching it.

Donate: The Gosnell Movie

Have you heard about the upcoming film project regarding Kermit Gosnell?  Well you should look into it.  It's not surprising that many in the U.S. are not aware of the serial killer Kermit Gosnell.  The media did a lot to suppress this story.  The reason being the Gosnell was abortionist.

Anyone reading this who is pro-choice maybe thinking... great another pro-life advocate calling an abortionist a serial killer.  But what Gosnell did went far and beyond what any abortionist's duty is.  He actually murdered babies and pregnant mothers for the thrill of it.  In testimony he said he enjoyed seeing the blood from his victims.  To memorialize their deaths, he would save the bodies of babies in jars and kept a collection of them.  Gosnell did not operate his abortion clinic in accordance with the law.

So despite this being a huge story about a serial killer, why would the media suppress such a big story?  At the same time as Gosnell's trial, was the Jodi Arias trial invoking the women who went crazy after her Mormon Boyfriend broke up with her.  Arias murdered her former boyfriend in the shower after she realized he wasn't going to marry her, thus crushing her dreams.  What she did was horrible and gruesome; she was considered by many to be a monster and a liar.  However, why was the media so attached to her story and quick to call her monster after only one murder when Gosnell murdered several.

The answer is easy.  Publicizing an abortionist murderer would make women wary of getting an abortion, and for the liberal media that would be a bad thing.  For them, they choose to show abortion as a safe, quick procedure.  Because this story has been silenced crowd funding was started to bring attention to the story.  The goal is to create a T.V. movie so many across the country can watch.  Below is the video promotion.

The group making the movie has already reached their goal for cows funding on Indiegogo; however, they still need more donations.  By donating money the movie will be better produced and it will be shown that there are so many supporters which is a needed thing when trying to distribute a movie to say Lifetime (AMC Networks).  For those of you reading, I encourage you to learn more and donate what you can.  I donated $25 dollars, which will get me a free dvd.  Even $1 helps; again, the more people that donate, the bigger the message to television networks signaling that people want to see this movie.

Thanks for reading and here's the link to the Indigogo site.  If you'd like to hear more about the project from Ann McElhinney, the video of her interview on Louder with Crowder is below.

August 1, 2015

August 2015

For this month I had a different book planned, but after I saw Abby Johnson speak on the show Louder with Crowder, I knew UnPlanned had to be the book for August.  With the recent publicity surrounding the videos produced by the Center for Medical Progress, I felt the topic of Planned Parenthood would be fitting for this month.  Especially since the Senate decided to take a vote to defund Planned Parenthood.  What's interesting about Johnson's story is that she used to be a Pro-Choice advocate and is actually a former employee of Planned Parenthood.  However, one procedure changed her life.  Below is the interview with Louder with Crowder that drew my attention to Johnson.

If you had time to watch (I know its long), you'll see that what changed Johnson's perception was an abortion procedure where she observed an ultrasound and saw a baby struggling for it's life.  Although Johnson had been part of many abortions, none of the abortionists she assisted had used an ultrasound.  So, when a new abortionist had used an ultrasound to abort a baby, her life was forever changed.  

What I like about Johnson is that she's also very politically neutral, and doesn't play the shame game. I think she's a person both liberals and conservatives can respect.  To learn more about Abby Johnson check out her website here, and if you would like to learn more about her book, check out the link here.  

Many of you can purchase her book on her website by clicking on a alternate site, or you can locate stores in your area that sell her book.  There's the audiobook available too, for any commuters with long drives, an audiobook would be a great idea.  Here's the link for Amazon as well, since I know that can be the cheapest route sometimes.  Another option is your public library; I looked and found a copy available at mine.  

After you read the book don't forget to check out the documentary Unplanned as well.  Here's the trailer below.  

Happy reading!!!