Watching this video drives me crazy. Why is it that in today's society everyone is competing to be more of a victim and arguing over it? It's stupid. In general as far as the wage gap goes... it's been proven time and time again that the general wage gap is nonexistent and that the numbers that Democrats keep using to get voters are false and inaccurate because the study was done inaccurately. There's a video below that does a great job explaining it.
I honestly do not think we NEED feminism at all. Why? Because we don't. Women are just as capable and intelligent as men, we don't need handouts. We are fully capable of getting to the top on our own.
If anything, I will say that there are some sexist guys out there in the world still who hate being told what to do by women. I've personally faced men who hate having me lead them. AND guess what? It's only been by Democratic men, apart of the so-called political group that's supposed to champion behind women.
I think the real problem in society is our lack of respect for each other as people (by people I mean all people). These days everyone is playing the blame game, and everyone time someone feels mistreated they think it's because of the color of their skin, social class, or gender. When in reality, you just might be a jerk, and that person is reacting to it. OR, that person is just a jerk in general to everyone, and it has nothing to do with who you are.
I'm sick and tired of everyone competing to be THE victim in our society. Over the last few years during this administration many people have faced hard times. The people who call themselves the victims are not the only people having a rough time right now. No person's life is perfect or easy, every person is facing struggles. No one person's struggles are more difficult than the next.
What we need to do as a country is grow thicker skin. If something doesn't go your way or if someone is rude to you, get over it. Find a way to achieve the goals you want and STOP making excuses because that is what they are.
As a country we should be promoting respect for one another. That goes along with having to teach morality. Without morality how do we expect people to treat each other with respect. We've started a trend in the country of believing that morality is too closely tied to religion and religion is bad. That belief needs to change. Being a person with good morals doesn't necessarily mean you have to be a religious person.
My final thought is this... let's stop being the victims and start showing apathy and compassion towards one another and recognize that all people (every person) in this country and world has their own struggles, and no struggle is more important to acknowledge than the other. Once we do this, we can finally start uniting once again.