June 25, 2017

2017: July's Book

This month's featured book is "Bullies: How the Left's Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America" written by none other than Ben Shapiro.  In case you have been hiding under a cave somewhere the author, Ben Shapiro, was previously a writer for Breitbart.  Once the whole fiasco happened with one of Breitbart's female writers who accused a Trump campaign staff member of assaulting her, he left and decided to start "The Daily Wire" for which he is editor and chief.  Before that, he gained his popularity by doing college campus tours around the country arguing in defense of free speech.  

The book Bullies is not new since it was published back in 2013; however, the culture of fear and intimidation still remains a constant problem in our society today.  Just take the attack that happened to our Republican Congressmen while practicing for their upcoming softball game against the Democratic team.  

This book aims to take a look at the left's strategy to silence those on the right by playing the race card, sex card, and the class card.  Further it examine's the fear created by the left which felt by our society today.  

For more background information on his book watch the video interview below with Glenn Beck, and if you haven't already joined the group on Facebook feel free to join here.  

November 10, 2016

#ThoughtfulThursday: People Need To Love

Many of you have probably heard from #NotMyPresident supporters that violence needs to occur in order for them to achieve what they want.  In their minds a peaceful protest is not enough and it is only through violence that they will be able to achieve their means.

This is kind of ironic considering how the mass media painted a picture that in the event of a Trump loss his supporters would be causing havoc despite the fact that it wasn't Trump supporters inciting violence at Clinton's rallies, but rather Clinton supporters inciting violence at Trump rallies.

One statement that has been alarming people comes from a #NotMyPresident supporter who stated, "People have to die."  Rather than say something to the extent of "our voices need to be heard,"  or "this is what we want from Trump"  she decided to say the most ugliest and hateful thing a person could say.

This is why my #ThoughfulThursday quote is not really a quote, but a hashtag that changes the conversation.  What we need as a country is not more violent protests in our streets, but rather a growth in our community efforts.  Causing destruction in their communities, communities that voted in favor of Hillary Clinton, will not benefit their community.

What they should have done before the election is engage with Trump supporters in intellectual conversations.  Now that they missed that opportunity to engage they should be considering their next steps to bettering their community on their own.  As John F. Kennedy once said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."  If you do not believe the police force is diverse enough, become part of the police force.  If you believe women are not in enough positions of power, start working towards a campaign and run for office.  Or get a higher level degree that earns you a better job and changes the pay gap.  With more women working as employers, this would help.

I am sure many of you reading this are just as frustrated as I am.  So what can you do, considering that #NotMyPresident supporters likely will not behave as adults anytime soon?  You can take part in community efforts, volunteer, basically do whatever you can to help "Make America Great Again."  However probably the most important thing you can do as a conservative right now is use restraint and not fight back.  They want a reaction.  As Milo Yiannopolous recently posted, the media and the DNC are likely working on strategies to fake demonstrations of hate just like they did at Trump's campaign rallies.  Let's not give it to them.

Other than that, stay classy my fellow Republicans, and spread the word…#PeopleNeedToLove.

July 18, 2016

My 2016 Politcon Experience

This year was the second Politicon Convention.  It was held in Pasadena, CA and in attendance were many political junkies like myself.  It's one big convention where people of every party can come listen to debates from speakers and do a bit of debating on their own.  

It was a two day event, unfortunately since I've been doing bar prep I only went to Day 1, which turned out to be the better day.  At the convention on Day 1was Tomi Lahren, Ann Coulter, and Dana Loesch just a few of the great outspoken Republican women out there today.  

Many in attendance were able to listen to speakers debate or participate in panel discussions.  Some of the topics included abortion, gun rights,  and millennials and politics to name a few.  There was also political art and different booths of politically active organizations.  That brings up why I was there, which was to table for the local Los Angeles County Young Republican chapters.  

While tabling I met so many interesting people.  My favorites were obviously the other young republicans unfamiliar with the YR organization who wanted to become active within the party.  However, many that approached our table were bored and lonely Democrats who just approached us to argue.  

They tried to trap me in arguments assuming that I fit the description of what their view of a stereotypical Republican was.  I did my best to assure them that we Republicans care about all of the same national issues such as the economy, homelessness, education, equality, and freedom just as much as the next person, but we have an alternative solution for all of these problems.  

Many tried to pull the race card assuming by being a Republican I must be a racist without realizing that I'm mixed.  Telling them my family heritage often shut them up and allowed them to listen to what I had to say.  Some even admitted that they were thinking of changing party lines.  

If you ever have a chance to go, GO.  Each year is supposed to grow and the speakers get better.  Right now on YouTube there are several of the discussions posted and you can watch.  

Given that my favorite picture taken was with Tomi Lahren herself, I think it's appropriate to end with a final thought of my own, which is to speak up Republicans!  

We often find ourselves afraid to reveal that we are Republicans, and most of the time we are justified due to fear of retaliation. However you don't have to shout to the world "I'm a Republican" rather let your opinions on issues be known without being argumentative.  Be the friend who provides the alternative solution, and you'll see that people agree with you.  Little by little being friendly and thoughtful is how we open minds.  

2016 Republican National Convention

Day one of the 2016 Republican National Convention went off with a hit.  There's been so many great speeches by some wonderful Republicans across the country.  Among the list of speakers were Darryl Glenn, Sheriff David A. Clarke, Rick Perry, Willie Robertson, and Rudy Giuliani to name a few.  

Perhaps the most anticipated speaker was Melania Trump.  As the potential First Wife many have wanted to know would she be capable of holding such an honorable title.  During Donald Trump's campaign she's been taking a bit of a back seat.  The public has probably heard more from his daughter Ivanka Trump than from Mrs. Trump herself.  

Although English is not her first language, it did not stop her from delivering a great speech.  She touched on her marriage with Trump and also spoke about what it was like becoming a citizen of the United States, thus reminding us all of the great privilege we have have living in this country.  

There were two other speakers in Cleveland that took the hearts of many.  Both Karen Vaughn and Patricia Smith gave heart wrenching speeches.  Many tried to hold back tears when Smith have her speech about how Hillary Clinton called her a lier for revealing how her son lost his life in Benghazi.   

In all many of the speeches gave hope for America during a time we need it the most.  If you would like to follow up on the speeches from Day 1 of the convention many of the videos were uploaded on the RNC's Facebook page.  Make sure to follow-up and share online.  

Sheriff David Clarke vs. Don Lemon

Sheriff David Clarke has been known to speak his mind and he isn't afraid of going toe to toe with Liberal Media.  Recently Sheriff Clarke was interviewed on air by Don Lemon, a CNN reporter known for supporting the Black Lives Matter Movement and helping with the divisiveness in this country.  During the interview Sheriff Clarke made his opinions clear and wanted to call Lemon out on the fact that he is part of the problem.

The topic of the interview was "How to Keep Our Officers Safe," and starts out with Lemon's first question, which was that "[BLM's] message is peace, what's your message?" to Sheriff Clarke.  This was Lemon's way of indicating that his message must not be for peace, but something else.  Annoyed by this question and Lemon's belief that the BLM movement is peaceful, Sheriff Clarke states how he predicted these type of recent events two years ago during the Ferguson riots.  Unhappy with his response, Lemons turns to a commercial break.

Some of the points Sheriff Clarke made was that the media has created the divisiveness and sent a message that it is okay to hate the police.  He also points out that the media fails to report on the number of black on black deaths, which is a problem that needs to be resolved.  He then goes on to talk about how the whole BML's arguments are based on lies.

Recently there has been a We The People petition asking the white house to recognize BLM as a terrorist organization.  With that said Sherriff Clarke is not alone in his concern of an organization that has spewed hate by their words and actions.  Most importantly what he does is point out the flawed arguments of the movement.  

I think it's time those who support the BLM movement wake up and take a good look at the facts.  After all knowledge is power and with that power we can create a better society.  It's only with that knowledge that we are closer as a society to solving the difficult problems we face.   

July 14, 2016

Hillary's America

     Coming out in theaters July 22nd is Dinesh D'Souza's newest film Hillary's America: The Secret of the History of the Democratic Party.  D'Souza's film examine's the history of the Democratic party from it's beginnings to the present rise of Hillary Clinton.  

     This film showcases how the Democratic party has went from pro-slavery to pro-enslavement.  It also examines how Hillary's mentor was a corrupt gangster, and how like most Democratic politicians the Clinton's number one priority is not improving foreign policy, but rather increasing their personal profits.  

     Take a look at the trailer below and make sure to watch the film July 22nd.  You can purchase your tickets here.  

August's Book

     Starting August 6th, we will be reading Flyover Nation: You Can't Run a Country You've Never Been To, written by the lovely Dana Loesch, author of Hands Off My Gun and host of the Dana Show.  Loesch has her own radio show as well as her own show on the Blaze.  

     With her new book Loesch tries to dispel myths and misconceptions those that live on the east and west coast of Middle America.  She got the idea years ago when Obama made his "bitter clingers" remark.  Flyover Nation examines the disconnect between the citizens with dirt and grease on their hands and the ensconced beltway class.  This book is funny and auto-biographical.  

     If you would like to participate for the month of August here is a link to purchase her newest book if you have not already.  Loesch has also been on a book tour.  Look here for all the locations and see if you can get your copy signed.  

     Below is a video of an interview with Loesch describing the book.  

     I hope you can join in on the fun, and Happy Reading!!